I recently had the pleasure of capturing this sweet Cherished Companion session for Lucy and her mom. It pulled at all the heartstrings in all the right places. That is why I wanted to start offering this package to others who might also want to memorialize their relationship with their beloved pet. This package is for people whose pups are getting pretty old and might not be around much longer, those who have been diagnosed with an incurable sickness, or those who are in pain and will need to be put down soon. I do offer other pet sessions that you can schedule for everyone else. This is just a special offer for those who will be going through a loss soon to help them hold onto the memories longer.

I know losing a pet can be the hardest thing ever. They truly bond with us differently than people do. They know us in and out and love us anyway. Plus, they love us way harder than other people possibly ever could. It's like their default mode like they were literally made to love us. That bond is just so sweet and special that people who don't have pets just can't understand.
That bond and love us what I truly want to capture for you. The way I do this is by starting out with a short survey, a questionnaire to figure out what kinds of things you and your pup like to do together. I combine that info with prior knowledge of locations nearby and come up with some options that I think would work really well. Then I go over the basics of what to expect, what to bring, the kind of video clips we will be shooting, etc. Then we set a date for a fun session curated just for you and your dog. This is how I will capture the bond between the two of you, the personality of your pup, and the memories you will cherish forever.

Just because this looks like the end for your pet doesn't mean it has to be. Let me help you to memorialize your pet's favorite things, the bond you have, and the life you've shared together. Every cherished companion session comes with a video mixed with photos and short video clips with a song of your choosing. That way anytime you are missing your best friend you can pull out the video and smile thinking about the time you did get together. These cherished companion sessions are the best thing ever.